Sunday, May 5, 2013

It's official. We have ourselves a three year old.
Three years ago I had been in the early stages of labor for six days and was pretty miserable. Finally, in the early morning hours of May 3, 2010 my water broke and we headed to the hospital. After thirteen hours of labor you finally arrived. Most of that day is hazy to me but there is one thing that I remember perfectly... Those beautiful big brown (almost black eyes). You were so alert and so focused on me and I remember spending the first 5-10 minutes just staring into those beautiful eyes of yours and wondering what I ever did to deserve such an amazing blessing. You looked exactly like Daddy- so much so that I would try to find traces of myself in you but never could. Three years later and you still look just like him but as far as your personality is concerned, you are seriously my mini me. You love fashion and are the only toddler I know that knows how to pair shoes, dresses, and bows perfectly and can actually identify basic prints like chevron and damask. While other little girls are playing hair salon, you grab your Barbie scissors, some ribbon and then pretend to make hair bows. 
You have a sense of humor that is just over the top and some of the things you say seriously make me scratch my head sometimes. You have finally began pronouncing "Shopping cart" correctly so it no longer sounds like you are saying, "F****** cart." That is a serious relief. 
This year brought a lot of really big changes for us.
We moved to Texas, Daddy started a new job, my business grew tremendously, we bought a house, and had to pretty much start over again. For the first few months you were really sad but you adjusted, made new friends, and are now happier than I have ever seen you. You love to be outdoors and are extremely social which is why we pretty much live outside and spend most of our free time with our neighbors these days. You love getting your Mini Cooper out but cannot be bothered with driving so Talon drives you everywhere. Your princess attitude can be a little over the top sometimes.
You love gymnastics, or "Nastics" as you call it and are constantly attempting new tricks. Typically you attempt your most dangerous stunts on the edge of the bed or somewhere that could possibly get you inured. Daddy and I often wonder if you wake up and say to yourself, "What dangerous and possibly life threatening stunts can I pull today?" It is as if you want to go to the emergency room some days. 
You absolutely LOVE to play guitar with Daddy. For your birthday we gave you a new guitar which you for some reason decided to name, "The Boss." No idea where or why you got that idea but it was hilarious and makes me laugh out loud every time I think about it.
You are still the same little snuggle bug you were a year ago and never get tired of cuddling. You are loving, affectionate, and are the kindest child I have ever known. You do have your toddler moments but we never really have issues with you being mean or not wanting to share with other children and you are always concerned with the feelings of others. Your kindness is one of the things I am most proud of. 
Another big change coming our way is pre-school. You will be attending Wichita Christian when you turn four which means that this is my last year being home with you full time. Pre-school will only be two days a week but the idea of being away from you makes me cry pretty much every time I think about it. At this point the longest I have ever been away from you is six hours so having you in school two days a week is going to be a huge change and one that I do not think I will ever be ready for.
This has been quite the year.
You are an amazing little girl who has brought us a lifetime of joy in just three short years.
We have officially survived the "Terrible Two's" and honestly, they really were not that bad.
Happy 3rd birthday to you precious girl!
Daddy and I love you to the moon and back.

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