Saturday, February 26, 2011

Trouble TIMES TWO!

If you were to look up the term "Trouble" in the dictionary right after the definition you would see, "i.e Emma and Alex." These two little monkeys are the definition of pure, unadulterated trouble making. They are approximately 7 weeks apart and reek havoc everywhere they go! Check out the mess that is surrounding them. This was made in just a few short minutes. An intense love for mess making and getting into things has caused these two to become pretty good pals over the past few weeks. They are absolutely adorable together and I just cannot get enough of their beautiful little friendship that is growing each and every day. Not only are these little play dates a blast for the kids but they are also quite nice for Melissa and myself. Melissa's husband is also deployed right now which means like me, she gets pretty lonely and often craves adult conversation due to the fact that she stays home with her son. These little play dates have quickly become a key part of our sanity since returning home to North Carolina after being in home with our families for most of the deployment. I am thankful for our friendship and hope that Alex and Emma's friendship continues to grow throughout the time we are stationed in North Carolina. Play on little loves!

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